Classic Ciabatta 230g
Classic Ciabatta 230g
Ciabatta is Italy’s version of the Baguette. This classic bread is generously floured outside for a more artisanal texture. Best served when lightly toasted.
230 grams
1 piece per order
₱110.00Add to cart
Focaccia with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Olives 270g
Focaccia with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Olives 270g
₱210.00Add to cart
Focaccia with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Olives 270g
Focaccia with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Olives 270g
This famous Italian bread has the right amount of olive oil infused in the bread. Topped with sun-dried tomatoes and black olives, this goes well with any pasta dish or enjoyed by itself! Heat in the oven for a few minutes to produce a light crisp on the outside, but soft and chewy inside!
270 grams per piece
1 piece per pack
₱210.00Add to cart